For leisure moments
With us, you won't have time to be sad!

When you have some free time after your treatments, you can visit:
On the 8th floor of the Rehabilitation Centre Jaunķemeri there is a beauty salon where you can get:
- Manicure with gellac
- Classic manicure
- Eyelash and eyebrow colouring, correction
- Paraffin hand baths
- Apparatus pedicure
- Pedicure with gel
- Women's and men's haircuts
- Hair colouring and styling

In our Fitness Centre, you can book different types of wellness massages (Ayurvedic, vacuum, facials, ECO beauty rituals, etc.).
For more information please call: +371 67733545 vai 26646022
Jaunķemeri Resort and Rehabilitation Centre supports the Latvian Paralympians, who not only benefit from rehabilitation services, but also from the only chair volleyball and wheelchair basketball court available in Latvia. It is sport that often helps to lift people out of depression who have suffered serious injuries that have permanently changed their quality of life. Patients at the centre also have the opportunity to try out both of these courts.
After medical and health procedures, patients often want a cosmetic treatment for beauty and well-being. SPA treatments can be booked at our centre or by calling in advance. Treatments are available for patients staying in the centre's inpatient ward and for those who wish to come in specifically for a particular treatment.
You can view the range of spa treatments here.
For more information call our Fitness Centre: +371 67733545 vai 26646022
If you want to spend some time exploring and being active after your treatment, you can bring your bicycle, which can be parked in our bicycle storage.
There are various cycling routes in Jurmala, but a ride along the seafront is also a great idea!
Bike routes in Ķemeri National Park see here.
P.S.! Rehabilitācijas centrs Jaunķemeri nenes atbildību par pacientu personīgajām mantām.
- Aicinām iepazīties ar maršrutu dozēto pastaigu takām un izvēlēties savām fiziskajām spējām atbilstošāko distanci. Pastaigas nāk par labu veselībai!
Dozēto pastaigu taku karte ir ŠEIT.
- Ja brīvo laiku labprāt pavadāt aktīvi, rehabilitācijas centra 1.stāvā ir iespēja saņemt karti, lai kādu vakaru ļautos pastaigai ar fotoorientēšanās elementiem. Tas nozīmē - sekojiet kartē atzīmētajiem punktiem un atrodiet šajā vietā kādu no attēlos redzamajiem objektiem. Lai priecīga pastaiga!
Fotoorientēšanās karti var aplūkot: