The Price of Medical Treatment Services

Ārstniecība Jaaunķemeros


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Physiotherapy services Cena Eur

Physiotherapist's session individually (30 min)


Physiotherapy session individually (45 min) 30,00
Physiotherapy session individually  (60 min) 36,00
Physiotherapist consultation  (60 min) 38,00
Physiotherapy session in group (30 min) 6,00
Physiotherapy session in group -in the gym (55 min) 8,00
Physiotherapy session in group - in the pool (30 min) 7,00
Group physiotherapy – graduated cardio exercise (cardio machines)  (30 min) 5,00
Group physiotherapy – terrain therapy (Smovey Fitness) (45 min) 8,00
Group physiotherapy – Nordic walking training  (55 min) 8,00
Sling therapy – spine (cervical, lumbar) traction and muscle relaxation (30 min)  25,00
Sling therapy with individual physiotherapy session 42,00
Medical Cigun session in group (60 min) 12,00
Subscription for individual physiotherapy sessions (10 x in 12 weeks, one session - 60 min) 330,00
Innovative technologies
MOTOmed movement therapy (30 min) 12,00
TheraBalo (30 min) 22,00
RehaCom cognitive rehabilitation (30 min) 22,00
FES (functional electric stimulation)* (30 min)
* Purchase of electrodes for the 1st session is required
RehaDigit (20 min) 10,00
Bimeo session (30 min) 22,00
TENS (transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation)* (20 min)
* Purchase of electrodes for the 1st session is required
Taping material, 1 unit (5 cm) 0.20
(with VAT 12%)

Electrodes (small) 1 set 10,00 
(with VAT 12%)
Electrodes (large) 1 set 12,00
(with VAT 12%)


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Occupational therapy services Price Eur
Occupational therapist consultation (60 min) 38,00
Occupational therapist consultation (30 min) 25,00
Occupational therapy session (45 min) 30,00
Occupational therapy session (60 min) 38,00
Group occupational therapy session (per person) 60 min 8,00
Arm, hand, finger orthosis made of low temperature plastic compound 66,00
Thumb joint covering orthosis made of low temperature plastic compound 33,00
Finger orthosis made of low temperature plastic compound 15,00
Radiocarpal joint orthosis made of low temperature plastic compound 44,00
Innovative technologies:
MOTOmed movement therapy (30 min) 12,00
TheraBalo (30 min) 22,00
RehaCom cognitive rehabilitation (30 min) 22,00
FES (functional electric stimulation)* (30 min)
* Purchase of electrodes for the 1st session is required
RehaDigit (20 min) 10,00
Bimeo session (30 min)


TENS (transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation)* (20 min)
* Purchase of electrodes for the 1st session is required
Taping material, 1 unit (5 cm) 0.20
(with VAT 12%)

Electrodes (small) 1 set 10,00
(with VAT 12%)
Electrodes (large) 1 set 12,00
(with VAT 12%)



 More information about Headache Unit 

Headache Unit Services Price Eur
Consultation of a neurologist for the first time (60 min) 60,00
Repeated consultation of a neurologist 1x in 3 months (45 min) 50,00
Trigger point blockade on the same level 50,00
Blockade paravertebral 1 localization 50,00
Blockade paravertebral additional localization 10,00

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Speech therapist services Price Eur
Speech therapist consultation (60 min) 38,00
Speech therapist consultation (30 min) 25,00
Individual session with speech therapist (45 min) 30,00
Individual session with speech therapist (60 min) 38,00
Subscription for individual speech therapy sessions (10 x) 280,00 (one session 45 min) 360,00 (one session 60 min)
Nutritionist services Price Eur
Nutritionist consultation (60 min) 38,00
Repeat Nutritionist consultation (30 min) 25,00
Nutritionist consultation and development of personalised diet (a copy can be sent via email) (120 min) 90,00
Nutritionist’s lecture (60 min) (per person) 8,00
Nutritionist seminar with food preparation (90 min) (per person) 30,00
Bioelectrical impedance analysis of body composition and consultation (30 min) 30,00
Bioelectrical impedance analysis of body composition (15 min) 15,00

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Health psychologist services Price Eur
Psychologist consultation (60 min) 48,00
EMDR therapy (90 min) 65,00
Group psychologist session (per person) 60 min 12,00

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Music/art therapist services Price Eur
Art therapist consultation (60 min) 38.00
Art therapy, individual session (45 min) 30.00
Art therapy, individual session (60 min) 38.00
Art therapy in group, per person (60 min) 12.00


Dermatologist/Venereologist services Price Eur
First Dermatologist/Venereologist consultation 50,00
Repeat consultation within 30 days of the first consultation 40,00
Cryodestruction (one formation) 10,00
Cryodestruction (2-5 formations) 15,00
Cryodestruction (6-10 formations) 20,00
Cryodestruction (11-20 formations) 25,00
Cryodestruction (more then 20 formations) 30,00
Taking material for skin and nail inflammation, smears, cytology (not including tests) 7,00
Dermatoscope examination of one skin neoplasm 10,00
Dermatoscope examination of 2-5 skin neoplasms 15,00
Dermatoscope examination of 6-10 neoplasms 20,00
Dermatoscope examination of 11-20 neoplasms 25,00
Dermatoscope examination of more then 20 neoplasms 30,00
Skin biopsy (procedure performed by a doctor, lab tests not included) 30,00
Medical manipulations Price Eur
Wound maintenance
Primary treatment of a small wound (bandage of a healing wound) 10,00
Primary treatment of large wounds with the price of the material (removal of threads or clamps) 17,00
Intramuscular injection 3,00
Intravenous injection 4,00
Venous drip system (without medication) 12,00
Venous drip system for patients with back pain 25,00
Removal of benign formations
Removal of the tick 10,00
Blood collection from vein by using closed system 3,00


Gynaecological services Price Eur

Oncocytological smear 

Cervical biopsy 30.00


Oculist manipulations Price Eur
Biomicroscopic examination  3,00
Tonometry  7,00
Remove an extraneous matter from the conjunctiva 5,00
Remove an extraneous matter from the cornea 7,00
Glasses prescription 7,00
Autorefractometry  12,00